At Black Tie Components, we take great pride in offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific construction needs. Our trusses are designed with precise attention to detail, ensuring they align with your project specifications. By implementing rigorous quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process, we guarantee that our trusses are structurally dependable, providing you with long-lasting solutions surpassing industry standards.
Our dedicated team of experts is readily available to address any concerns and swiftly resolve any issues that may arise during the installation or utilization of our trusses. We understand the importance of keeping your projects on track, and our responsive service ensures minimal disruptions and maximum efficiency.

Using roof trusses for your project will give you a complete flexibility in the interior room arrangement. Roof trusses details such as tray, coffer or vaulted ceiling will improve the appearance and comfort of your house. Trusses span longer than conventional framing, so you have more open space.

Floor trusses are designed with open webs allowing easy installation of plumbing, electrical and cooling ductwork. Floor trusses are manufactured by turning the 2x4’s on their side in the purpose of giving wider nailing surfaces for the floor decking. Floor trusses can be designed to accommodate different floor height for new construction or renovation.

We also offer prefabricated Box Truss supports to carry your 4’ on center trusses with your 8’ on center pole barn.


Building with wall panels is the most time and cost-effective way to build high-quality structures. Builders using pre-fabricated, rather than the traditional ‘stick - conventional’ building method, have reported an up to 33% reduction in cycle time.

We offer Tall Wall Brace panels for your pole barn with prefabricated girts for easy corners and spacing. Optional 2’ or 3‘ girt spacing available.

If you are looking for post frame or tall wall building packages, BTC has you covered. Building packages offer
fully engineered structural plans if requested including:
Architectural, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Plans.

Fully Engineered Structural Plans Available upon request
Architectural, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Plans Available upon request
Building columns included along with any required headers
Exterior carrier trusses and construction bracing panels available for easy construction.
Interior pre-fabricated walls available for interior build outs
Full truss package with all misc lumber
Exterior and interior metal sheathing, including trim, screws, panels as required to complete the job
Materials delivered directly to job site

Fully Engineered Structural Plans Available upon request
Architectural, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering Plans Available upon request
Pre-fabricated wall panels for strip footings, typically 8’ wide, by 12’ to 20’ tall utlizing proprietary Black Tie Components framing techniques and patent pending Truss Heel Blocking.
Interior pre-fabricated walls available for interior build outs.
Full truss package with all misc lumber
Exterior and interior metal sheathing, including trim, screws, panels as required to complete the job
Materials delivered directly to job site